Drifting Into Uncertainty: Job Loss And Resiliency

Reflecting on my own job loss this week after an unforeseen reduction in force, there have been moments of fear, hopelessness, and worry. As I search for opportunities, I scroll across my LinkedIn and find so many individuals, wildly talented, and in the same situation as myself. I read their pleas for assistance in this market, and am taken back by their impressive skill set and background.

So many people are hurting right now and trying to find their next opportunity to continue their careers and provide for themselves and their family.

I didn’t expect to jump on LinkedIn and see strength in so many people.

This post is for you all. For all of you who are experiencing job loss, whether it was recent or months ago.

If no one has told you yet today, you are not alone. You are doing the absolute most!

I too have no idea what my future holds, but what I know is that I have experienced so many chapters in life that have left me in an unknown place; where I have to dig to find my way out. And you know what happens? Something better! Every. Damn. Time.

For all of you searching, hustling, and spending hours scouring every job posting… Keep showing up! This is what we do! Resiliency is in our DNA.

When the inner critic gets loud, and self doubt enters your mind, just remember, “Yes I can!”. We have all made it through 100% of our bad days. We will all get to the top of this hill together.

I know we have all struggled with being ghosted by companies, or being rejected after interviews. Just remember that it just takes one connection.. one interview.. to get to that offer.

As we drift into the uncertainty of this job market, it’s so important to remember self care. I know it sounds ridiculous, but to be our best selves, we have to practice a little bit of selfishness. This means taking time day every day to workout, go for a walk, meditate, practice yoga. Essentially anything that takes us away from the computer in front of us and do something that revives us.

Worry and belief use the same energy. Choose belief. We all have to believe that one year from now, we can look back at this moment in our life and say, “I did it. I made it”. I promise you it will happen. Your story will become someone else’s’ survival guide.

Now, my challenge for all of you experiencing job loss (like myself). When you get that offer, and get back on your feet, share your story! Let others know that even when you didn’t see a light at the end of the tunnel, it was there.

Some of you might say, “Well Molly, it’s only been one week for you…. Wait until it’s been 7 months!”. I totally get it, trust me! Too easily we discredit ourselves and allow fear to take over.

However, I have been in this place before. Not from job loss, but from me almost losing my life.

I have Congential Heart Disease, and long before I was a climbing athlete and on American Ninja Warrior, I almost died. My heart stopped three times, I was cardioverted (heart was shocked) and I was in and out of the hospital from multiple surgeries and procedures. At one point, I couldn’t even walk up the stairs, because I was so weak.

So, how did I get here? Grit. Persistence. Faith.

I didn’t know if I would have a tomorrow, but I knew I needed to. I know I was not going to allow myself to lose to this mountain of grief. I fought every day, put in the work, and I am here today, 10 years later a totally different person. I am an athlete and strong as hell!

So, this is how I know that this is not the end of your story. You are going to fall on this hill called job loss, and stay here forever. Keep putting one foot in front of the other, saying “I can”, because I guarantee you will! It just takes one “yes”… you just have to trust the process.

Again, even though I am experiencing job loss and trying to find an opportunity for myself, I also want to offer my ability to help. Whether you need help growing your network, updating your resume, or sending you links for jobs. I will help you however I can. Even if we don’t know one another, feel free to email me at mollyburdick@outlook.com or reach out to me on LinkedIn.

We got this.

Your struggles develop your strengths.


Molly Burdick

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